Maui – Demigod of Polynesia
The legends and myths of ancient civilizations are often the stepping stones to understanding the relationship between man and nature in the minds of ancient peoples. It is helpful to first understand the difference between a legend and a myth. Though the differences can become blurred, in general legends are often stories of real people and their historic adventures, whether they be epic journeys or conquests or romance. Myths often convey the ideas of how natural phenomenon came to be or continue to happen, mostly attributed to gods and goddesses. Interestingly enough, the ancient Polynesians blended these two forms of storytelling to include real people who attained god-like powers with the fallibility of the human condition – creating what today we call demi-gods and goddesses. The most famous and well known of these is the demigod Maui.
Ancient Mo’olelo
There are three regions for the legends and myths of Maui that stretch across the vast Pacific ocean within the Polynesian triangle. They are Hawai’i in the north, New Zealand in the south, the central regions of the Tahitian group of islands, the islands of Fiji, Tonga, Samoa, the Society Islands group and the Hervey islands round out the immense area in which the same or similar legends about Maui exist. Told in mostly the same way with little variation in names, these stories show how the Polynesians settled over 70 million square miles of Pacific ocean. Ancient Polynesian voyagers often carried fragments of legends which became somewhat unique to the land they arrived in but the themes and outcomes remain the same with stories of Maui and Hina numbering around twenty. The legends and myths surrounding the demigod Maui form one of the strongest links of evidence connecting the scattered inhabitants of the Pacific into one nation of the same genealogical race.
In ancient Hawai’i, the term kaao refers to a fictional story in which the creativity of the speaker plays a part. A mo’olelo is often a narrative about a historical figure or follows historical events. Stories of the gods are mo’olelo distinguished by a manner of telling. There were many protocols for such stories. For example, sacred stories are told only by day and listeners must not move in front of the speaker. To do so would be highly disrespectful of the gods. Folktales in the form of local legends or family stories also fall under the heading of mo’olelo. It is by far the most popular form of storytelling surviving today in the Hawaiian culture. They may seem fantastical to visitors but nevertheless, they correspond with the Hawaiian view of the relationship between man and nature. A kaao may make use of traditional stories and episodes but are consciously composed to tickle the fancy rather than inform the listener of supposed events.
Spiritual Origins Of Hawai’i
To better understand the legends of the demigod Maui it is helpful to learn a bit about Hawaii’s ancient religious belief system. The ancient Hawaiian religion is known as an animistic belief system with many deities and spirits originating among the Tahitians and other Pacific Islanders who colonized Hawaii. Southern Pacific islanders continued to colonize Hawaii over a timeframe estimated to be between 450 and 1300 AD.
The first wave of migration is said to have been a peaceful people who believed in what has been called the “Law of Aloha”. This law was based on mutual respect, kindness, and cooperation.
Small independent communities made up of these earliest of colonizers evolved in isolation for close to 600 years. Their animistic belief system (from the Latin word anima meaning breath, spirit, and life) held that all objects, places, and creatures possessed a distinct spiritual essence known as mana. It is the oldest known type of belief system in the world, predating paganism. The perception is that all things – animal, plant, rocks, rivers, weather systems, human handiwork, and even words, have an energy that is animated and alive.
Ancients chants reveal that around 1250 A.D. a warrior priest named Pa’ao arrived in Hawaii from Tahiti. After some months of traveling through the Hawaiian islands, he returned to Tahiti with the thought that Hawaiians were weak and without religious convictions. He soon returned bringing with him an invading army who conquered the islands and installed the kapu system of rule.
The Kapu System Of Rule
Kapu refers to a system of taboos designed to separate the spiritually pure from the potentially unclean. This kapu system was brutal in its warlike rule, introducing gods in need of almost daily sacrifices. The Na Ali’i, or ruling class, who came to power were considered children of the gods. They required obedience in the form of protocols, restrictions, and rituals which could include human sacrifices. Punishments for breaking the kapu could include death, although if one could escape to a puʻuhonua, a city of refuge, one could be saved. The ruling class (ali’i) also seemed to have embraced the idea of Aloha and many legends speak of kind Ali’i who provided for and protected their people, becoming much loved.
The kapu restrictions included:
- Restrictions on the planting, gathering and preparation of food
- Restrictions on looking at, touching, or being in close proximity with chiefs and individuals of known spiritual power
- Restrictions on overfishing
- During times of war, the first two men to be killed were offered to the gods as sacrifices.
Many kapu were associated with keeping women separate from men (a restriction known as ʻaikapu) such as:
- The separation of men and women during mealtimes
- The use of different ovens to cook the food of male and female
- Different eating places for men and women
- Women were forbidden to eat pig, coconut, banana, and certain red foods because of their male symbolism.
- Women separated from the community during their menses
For unknown reasons migrations from the southern islands stopped around 1300 A.D. Some believe it may have been due to loss of islands along the route to Hawaii while others speculate there may have been a kapu put on traveling to Hawaii. Either way, the Hawaiian society continued to expand for the next 400+ years until being discovered by Captain Cook in 1778. By that time the total Hawaiian population was estimated to have been close to 1 million people.
Maui The Demigod
Though the Hawaiian island of Maui bears his name, the ancient legends of Hawai’i more often credit the island’s name to the discoverer of the archipelago, a heroic explorer named Hawai’i-Loa. Mo’olelo (storytelling & history) passed down for centuries speak of each island having been named after this great Polynesian explorers children. His son Maui was said to have been named after the powerful demi-god, much like people today are named after saints or actors and athletes, or other such well-known people.
Hawaiian Superman
Maui is a shared deity throughout Polynesia. Though the stories have some differences they are surprisingly similar – enough so that most scholars believe he is the same character performing similar feats – all on islands thousands of miles apart from each other.
His mischievous deeds were often to the benefit of mankind. From creating fire to raising the sky to snare the sun, Maui was a hero whose legacy spanned well over 1000 years while these stories traveled over 4000 miles across the Pacific ocean.
Several Mo’olelo speak of Maui’s supernatural powers. It is said he belongs to a family of enchanted beings with superhuman abilities. In New Zealand, he possessed a magical jawbone of his ancestors, while in Hawai’i he had a powerful fish hook. Nevertheless, Maui was very human. He lived in thatched houses, cared for his mother Hina, and cavorted with his brothers and sister, tricking them into all sorts of adventures.
Stories Of The Demigod Maui
This Mo’olelo (story and history) of Maui’s great strength and compassion for man is another found throughout Polynesia. Again the versions match the place. The story goes that one day Maui realized that the people were being held down by the sky. They were unable to stand upright and the low sky had flattened leaves and inhibited the growth of plants and trees. Maui saw the suffering of the people of earth and wanted to help.
Lifting the Sky
Several versions of this Mo’olelo exist but here are two from Hawai’i.
In the first story, Maui seeks the help of his father to raise the sky. Maui lays on the ground and begins pushing up the sky with his great power. He signals his father to start pushing also, and together father and son push the sky up high enough for the people, plants, and trees to be able to grow tall and strong. Some say that if father and son had not worked together the sky would have fallen completely, making the earth uninhabitable. Working together this family saved humankind – another useful fable favoring family cooperation.
Another version has the demigod visiting a kahuna (Hawaiian priest and healer) to help with the matter of the low sky. It is said Maui visited a kahuna ‘ana’ana, or Hawaiian priest and sorcerer (types of kahuna were diverse and the word refers to an expert of a particular skill). This kahuna tattooed Maui with a magical symbol on his forearm, giving him great powers. Maui also sought out an old woman (kapuna or elder) and drank from her gourd, giving him the great strength he would need to lift the sky. After a great struggle, Maui pushed the sky above the mountains where it remains to this day. When storm clouds gather over Haleakalā, it is said they are afraid to stay in case Maui chooses to hurl them so far that they can never return.
Restraining The Sun
At Haleakalā National Park
Maui’s next feat is again in aid of mankind. The story of Maui restraining the sun is told throughout Polynesia. In Hawai’i Maui’s mother, Hina complains that her kapa cloth (bark pounded into a soft cloth) does not have time to dry due to the shortness of daylight. Maui climbs to the top of Haleakala volcano and waits hidden at the crater’s rim for the sun to rise.
Using magical lassoes made from his sister’s hair, Maui snares the sun’s rays, thought to be the sun’s arms, and threatens to beat him fiercely. The sun agrees to slow its pace across the sky, thus helping his mother and the rest of mankind by increasing the growing season. Variations on this story include Maui being helped by his grandmother and his brothers. It is a testament to how important the family is in the Hawaiian and Polynesian culture.
Hauling Up Islands
One of the most common stories of Maui found throughout Polynesia is related to how he pulled up islands from the ocean floor. There are several versions of this fable applied to different islands depending on their natural make-up. For instance in Hawai’i Maui pulled up the islands by tricking his brothers into paddling their canoe with all their might to haul up each island which he had hooked using a great and magical fish hook called Manaiakalani, telling them it was a massive fish. He repeats this trick for each island.
In New Zealand, Maui pulls up a great manta ray while fishing with his brothers. Maui leaves them there with the canoe to get a priest to perform the ritual associated with such a large catch. While he’s gone his brothers begin to hack at the great beast in order to get their share of the catch. This created the deep valleys and mountains of the North Island, with Maui’s canoe being the South Island.
Defeating the Long Eel
The Polynesian belief system often ascribed human attributes to animal life. Demigods were often portrayed as shapeshifters who could turn into a variety of animals. Maui is attributed with shifting into an insect will playing hide and seek with his brothers, to changing into large birds. Also large, menacing creatures were battled and subdued – a task Maui excelled at.
The story of Maui and the long eel is another that can be heard across the Pacific from Hawai’i to New Zealand. It starts, as usual, with Hina.
Hawaii’s version goes like this: one day Hina went down to the nearby stream and was confronted by a large eel. In Hawaii, the eel is known as Kuna Loa, and he longed for the beauty and companionship of Hina. But after his advances are rejected he becomes vengeful and creates a diversion of the stream which begins to flood the cave dwelling of Hina and her family, including her son Maui. After calling for help Maui arrives and smashes the dam diverting the water.
In New Zealand, Maui pulls up a great manta ray while fishing with his brothers. Maui leaves them there with the canoe to get a priest to perform the ritual associated with such a large catch. While he’s gone his brothers begin to hack at the great beast in order to get their share of the catch. This created the deep valleys and mountains of the North Island, with Maui’s canoe being the South Island.
Defeating the Long Eel
The Polynesian belief system often ascribed human attributes to animal life. Demigods were often portrayed as shapeshifters who could turn into a variety of animals. Maui is attributed with shifting into an insect will playing hide and seek with his brothers, to changing into large birds. Also large, menacing creatures were battled and subdued – a task Maui excelled at.
The story of Maui and the long eel is another that can be heard across the Pacific from Hawai’i to New Zealand. It starts, as usual, with Hina.
Hawaii’s version goes like this: one day Hina went down to the nearby stream and was confronted by a large eel. In Hawaii, the eel is known as Kuna Loa, and he longed for the beauty and companionship of Hina. But after his advances are rejected he becomes vengeful and creates a diversion of the stream which begins to flood the cave dwelling of Hina and her family, including her son Maui. After calling for help Maui arrives and smashes the dam diverting the water.
The long (large) eel continues to harass Hina, striking her on the river bank and covering her with slime, and later chasing her into nearby breadfruit tree. She tells Maui and he decides the eel must be killed. Traps are laid and when caught Maui cuts him into pieces with his stone ax. The pieces were thrown into the sea where they became various sea creatures including the saltwater eels of today. The blood of Kuna Loa that flowed into the stream became the freshwater eels, and Maui buried the head of Kuna Loa near the shore. Soon a palm tree grew from the buried head creating the first coconuts.
Discovering Fire
Tiring of existing on raw fish and vegetables, Maui desired cooked food and the ability of his mother to cook with and warm herself with an open fire. While out fishing with his brothers the demigod witnessed a very small plume of white smoke along the shore. Determined to find out more about it he rushed to the spot and discovers an ‘alae ‘ula hen (Hawaiian Moorhen or Gallinue) stamping out and attempting to hide a small fire.
Maui decides to wait while hidden in order to observe the hen starting another fire. The next day the hen notices the absence of Maui in the canoe with his brothers and thus does not attempt to build a fire. Maui, realizing the hen is on to him, places a large human-shaped log in the canoe with his brothers the next day. Now the hen, thinking it safe to build a fire, begins gathering sticks and leaves for kindling. Maui observes the hens rubbing the sticks together. Emerging from his hiding place he captures the old hen by the neck demanding she teaches him how to make fire himself.
At first, the hen tries to fool Maui by instructing him to rub water plants together, then wet twigs, all resulting in unsuccessful attempts. Finally, Maui tightens his grip on the birds neck forcing her to give up her secret. The ‘alae ‘ula (meaning “burnt forehead”) finally concedes and instructs him to rub a dry stick into a piece of sandalwood bark and hau tree fibers until a flame appears. Having made fire, Maui decides to punish the hen for her trickery. He burns the crest on the top of the birds head and this is why the adult ‘alae ‘ula has a red crest.
Maui’s Death
There are several stories of the demise of Maui in Hawai’i. From being struck down by a priest to having a mountain collapse onto him while digging a tunnel, Maui mischievous nature always became his undoing. The one most widely known stories of his death is from New Zealand.
After overcoming so many obstacles and successfully defeating many foes, Maui longs for victory over death. He believed immortality should be a gift bestowed upon mankind.
Yet his father warned him that his time of failure and death would surely come. Maui asked his father “by what shall I be overcome?” and his father replied “there is one so powerful that no tricks can be of any avail.”
Maui’s father told him of his ancestor, Hine Nui Te Po (Great Hine of the Night) the Guardian of Life, would see to his demise. This goddess had flashing green eyes, volcanic glass for teeth, a large fish like mouth and hair that floated in the air like seaweed.
His father admitted to a mistake he had made when chanting the invocation of Maui’s childhood, when he was made sacred and guarded by charms, but his father had forgotten a part of the ceremony, and because of this he would surely die one day. Hine nui te po guarded the “place of life” and Maui persuaded his brothers to go with him to keep watch.
Maui planned to enter into the goddesses stomach, cut out her heart, and exit through her mouth, thus killing the goddess and bringing the heart of immortality to mankind. While Hine Nui Te Po was sleeping he entered her and retrieved the heart, but as he emerged through her mouth one of his brothers laughed aloud, waking the goddess who snapped here obsidian teeth closed, cutting Maui in half. Maui thus entered the gates of death but was unable to return and death has ever since been victorious over rebellious men.
Goddess of the Moon
There are many stories about the goddess Hina. She is often connected with the moon and is mostly described as a very smart and attractive woman often pursued by men and other creatures. In Hawaiian mo’olelo (stories) and chants, there are variations on her name such as Hina-puki-i’a (Hina gathering seafood) a goddess of fishermen and Hina-’opu-hala-ko’a who gave birth to all reef life.
But one of the most well-traveled stories speaks of this beautiful yet determined woman who becomes tired of being on earth and flees to the moon, eventually becoming the goddess of it. Her relationship to the demigod Maui is also varied.
From mother to wife to sister, Hina plays prominently in Maui’s life throughout the Pacific. On the island of Maui, She is said to be the demigod’s mother often in need of helping or defending. There are also some associations with Hina and Pele (Hawaii’s volcano goddess) as both had command of lightning. Hawaiians also attribute the powers of Hina to yet another person, Haumea, mother of Pele, while still, other stories say that Pele’s human name (before becoming transformed into the fire goddess) as Hina-ai-malama which means “Hina feeding on the moon”.
In New Zealand mythology Hina is usually considered to be Maui’s elder sister while other versions have her as his wife. One legend of Hina speaks of her as Maui’s elder sister who instructs him to braid a rope from strands of her hair, creating a magical rope to be used to capture the sun.
All these versions of Hina and Maui are an interesting example of how Polynesian mythology evolved throughout the Pacific.
Polynesian Mythology In The Moview
Disney Movie Moana
Disney’s critically acclaimed movie Moana has been a hit with an over $500 million take at the box office since its release in 2016. The story of a Polynesian princess voyaging across the Pacific with the demigod Maui in order to return a magical relic has a surprising amount of historical truth it, but is not solely about Hawaii. Pulled from Polynesian mythology spanning much of the Pacific, the story of Maui differs somewhat (to fit into a family movie) but does a decent job of portraying this ancient prankster and the stories of his plight to help mankind. (wonderfully demonstrated in the song “Your Welcome”). This animated feature has been enjoyed the world over and brought Polynesian mythology into the mainstream movie world. The character of Maui is played by Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson who grew up in Hawai’i.
The story of the demigod Maui stretches across the Pacific and is estimated to be over 1000 years old. Always on a quest to empower mankind, Maui has become an endearing icon to the people of Polynesia. Mahalo for your time!
Aloha Nui Loa